

Starting in 1959 and continuing for 35 years, Jack Hargrave designed dozens of motor yachts and convertibles for Hatteras Yachts. In the mid-1970s, the OPEC oil embargo hit home, and it hit yachtsmen especially hard. One of the solutions was the Hatteras series of Long Range Cruisers from 42 to 65 feet, all designed by Hargrave. These displacement-hull yachts had smaller engines to power the boats at lower speeds and were suitable for extended cruising to remote sites (and sights). For a man who got his start with Rybovich and designed so many successful convertibles over the years, little Jack wasn’t much for sportfishing. These shippy little cruising yachts were closer to his heart. A feeling shared by the members of the Hatteras LRC Club, which was established in 1985.


The Club is rather informal and has only two significant elements:

The Rendezvous. An occasional gathering of members and their boats. Past locations include Key West, Vancouver, Baltimore, Annapolis, New Bern, Charleston, St. Augustine and Beaufort, SC.

The Mailing List or Listserv. This is where members share their thought and ideas…and occasionally cry for help! (Our Listserv is a method of communicating with all the members via email. You send one email message and the software sends the email to all of us.)

We welcome you to explore our site.

Some other websites that Hatteras LRC owners find helpful:

Hatteras Yachts Home The Hatteras Story Samsmarine.com Hatteras 1510 Club Passagemaker.com US Coast Guard Navigation Center NOAA National Data Buoy Center